1 out 10 Americans are diagnosed with diabetes. For some people Diabetes can lead to pain diabetic neuropathy (PDN) which can lead to numbness, tingling, burning, and cold feeling in the lower extremities to include the feet and legs. Until recently there has been limited treatment options for those with PDN.


HFX stands for “High Frequency, 10 kHz”. This refers to a high-frequency spinal cord stimulating device that has been used in over 70,000 patients suffering from chronic back and leg pain due to spinal pathology. The high-frequency stimulation allows patients to achieve pain relief without the tingling that is typically felt with traditional spinal cord stimulation. The only SCS system approved by the FDA with a specific indication for Painful Diabetic Neuropathy.

HFX therapy is an FDA-approved breakthrough therapy that may provide meaningful and durable pain relief in patients suffering from PDN. It is covered by most insurance policies, and should be considered if PDN is present and is negatively impacting a person’s quality of life.

Our practice now offers this new, innovative treatment option for treating PDN. Please contact us to learn more.